What is the Readers & Leaders Program?
The Readers & Leaders Program is a mentoring program designed to improve students’ reading achievement and academic performance.
The Readers & Leaders Program pairs a volunteer with a Pre-K, Kindergarten,
or First Grade class at a participating Stephens County school. Volunteers may share a book with the entire class or mentor individual students in reading.
The volunteer meets with their class once a week for thirty minutes.
Do I need any special skills or training to be a Volunteer?
No special skills or training are required! All you need to do to be a volunteer in the Readers & Leaders Program is the ability to devote thirty minutes of your time, once a week, and have a desire to make a difference in area children’s lives. (Background checks may be required).
How do I become a volunteer for the Readers & Leaders Program?
It’s easy! Simply stop by the United Way of Stephens County office and pick up a volunteer packet or call (580) 255-3648 to have the forms faxed or emailed to you. You may also click on the link below to download the form. Once the forms are returned and processed, a member of the Readers & Leaders team will contact you with further details. Thank you in advance for making a positive impact on local students and our community.
Volunteer Availability Form